About us


Name of the non-profit-making cultural institution, project executor: 


CNPJ: 02.085.756/0001-06

Address (head office and unit) - (street, district, phone, e-mail,):

  • 205 Dona Etelvina Street, Center, Quinze de Novembro, RS (head office)
  • 858 Gonçalves Dias Street, 3rd floor, Quinze de Novembro, RS (music project)
  • Phone 55 54 3324 1063 or 1054  
  • e-mail gcsomlegal@hotmail.com  
  • alternative e-mail: volneischneider@hotmail.com

Program name:

Ponto de Cultura GURI MÚSICO 

(Cultural Point GURI MÚSICO)

Musical teaching program designed to children and adolescents

  • Teacher and workshopper: Thales Mazutti Schneider

Phone 55 54 99109 3425 - email thalesmazutti@hotmail.com 

Youtube https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCUkGA3flRRT8x5NokAtf5ww/featured 

Facebook https://www.facebook.com/pm.quinzedenovembro/videos/1528949570590566/ 

  • Registration number at COMDICA of Quinze de Novembro municipality: REGISTATION Nº 001


  • Registration nº 001 attached to COMDICA of Quinze de Novembro, RS


SEDAC agreement 153/2013 (Secretaria de Estado da Cultura do Rio Grande do Sul)

Musical teaching program designed to children and adolescents THE CULTURAL POINT GURI MÚSICO is a Musicalization Project with Gaúcho, Brazilian and German rhythms with regard in Children and Adolescents. Workshops of Musical Teaching are developed, in Quinze de Novembro city, a small municipality with Gaúcha and German roots located at the countriside of Rio Grande do Sul. On the project children and adolescents between 07 and 18 years old, from different socialeconomic classes, can study music gratuitously. The project aims to reinforce the implementation and maintenance actions of the existing Cultural Point, which is serving as activities pole, in Quinze de Novembro, RS, providing care for children and adolescents situiation of social vulnerability, with low-income, public students, people with disabilities. Aside from the musical formation, the students develop fundamental abilities for life, such as teamwork, tolerance, discipline and perseverance, understanding the concept of citzenship. Through the reinforcement hereby intended, we intend to consolidate the activity which aims to offer continuously, at the opposite scholar period, the musicalization workshops.


Goal #1

Service provided for

children and adolescents

Goal #2

Acquisition of 

new instruments and other items

Goal #3

Workshops and 

performances realization

a Young Orchestra



From the activities of the project are implied the objectives of 

Consolidating a Young Orchestra

Background and justification 

It contains the program creation story, the principles which substantiate the demand which has justified its implemantation 

The project 

The Musical Initialization project was informally designed, by an academic work of the Music student Thales Mazutti Schneider, without any backing, using only scrap instruments, having completed six public school students of Quinze de Novembro, RS.

The Guri Músico project was named, registered at Conselho Municipal da Crainaça e do Adolescente (Municipal Youth Rights Council), backed by FUMDICA-Fundo Municaipal dos Direitos da Criança e do Adolescente (Municipal Fund for Youth Rights) - from Quinze de Novembro, RS, offering 15 free vacancies, foucused to the musical initialization and social development. The activities occured during the second semester of 2013.

Children and adolescents

In the wake of that, subsequently the CULTURAL POINT GURI MÚSICO project presentation, we gained the right to integrate the CULTURAL POINT RS NETWORK, with the back-up of Secretaria de Estado e Cultura do Rio Grande do Sul (State Secretary of Culture of Rio Grande do Sul), with fostering support of Ministério da Cultura (Ministry od Culture). 

We enlarged the musical initialization and social development vacancy offer to a total of 25, nevertheless we have executed the project implementation during the second semester of 2014, welcoming aproximatedly 40 children and adolescents, at the opposite scholar period.


Impact or Goal #1

Indicator/Metric #1 

* 2012 2nd Semester: 06 children 

* 2013 2nd Semester: 15 children 

* 2014/2015: 40 children and adolescent

* 2016/2017:  20 children and adolescents

* 2018: 25 children and adolescents 

* 2019: 48 children and adolescents

Impact or Goal #2

Indicator/Metric #2

 * 2012 2nd Semester: Scrap intruments 

* 2013 2nd Semester: 52 instruments/items 

* 2014/2015: 74 instruments/items

* 2016/2017: 78 instruments/items

 * 2018: 80 instruments/items

* 2019: 110 instruments/items

Impact or Goal #2

Indicator/Metric #3

* 2012 2nd Semester: 01 work., 00 perform.

* 2013 2nd Semester: 01 work., 02 perform. 

* 2014/2015: 03 works., 05 perform.

* 2016/2017: 03 works., 05 perform

* 2018:  03 works., 05 perform

* 2019: 76 works., 18 perform.

Main Practice Areas 

We describe  the areas which our program more identifies 

Artistic Expressions: MUSIC 

Music is between human expression forms the most complete. In it and by it, humans of all ages put all the emotions, sensations and perceptions related to themselves and to the world. It is however during the childhood that the various sounds exploration assumes relevant importance and presence. The child learns to know the world - natural and of the things - investigating it, specially by the reaction produced when touched or provoked, transformed. Among these reactions, the movement and the sound facinate the child through the intervention alternatives they offer. The music is sound and movement, summarizing, harmony and rhythm.

Cultural Management and Formation: 


We intend through the study of Gaúchos, Brazialian and German rhythmical elements, to solve main problems of attention, and mainly to find again the taste for music, performing songs that are out of the media context, as MPB (Popular Brazilian Music), and the Gaúcha and German roots (local feature). Showing, by this program, the important role developed by music at schools and in life, mostly because this subject is out of the school scenario.

Cross-cutting actions: 


We intend to articulate and foster actions intra- and inter-sectoral that integrate a policy of full attention to children and adolescents, through cultural, educational and health promotion, morever the confrontation and prevention of drug addiction. Always guided by the youth participation and proiminence as strategical tools to the production of culture, education and health, altogether the reinforcement and development of autonomy of life based on the citzenship exercise.

We however understand that it can be framed inside several areas, as we can see:

  • POPULAR CULTURES: ( X ) Oral Tradition ( X) Cultural manifestations
  • THOUGHT AND MEMORY: ( X ) Musical recover in family
  • ETHNIC-CULTURAL GROUPS: ( X ) Brazilian culture in a global scenario
  • CULTURAL MANAGEMENT AND FORMATION: ( X ) Courses/ workshops ( X ) Incentive to productive chains
  • CROSS-CUTTING ACTIONS: ( X ) Culture and Education ( X ) Culture and Health ( X ) Culture and Field ( X ) Culture and Tourism ( X ) Culture and Youth ( X ) Culture and Childhood

The Cultural Group Som Legal 

a non-profit civil association

There is the necessity of reinforcing the Cultural Group Som Legal job, since we understand the culture, mainly in its musical aspect, is fading lately. 

The Cultural Group Som Legal, is a non-profit civil association which works in the cultural field, and its great strenght is the music. Quinze de Novembro, RS, is a small municipality German/hunsrück origins located at the northern Rio Grande do Sul estade. However the small city has only 3600 habitants, it has alrealdy had 07 musical groups during the 90's. Though this culture has been lost. 

We mention the event Wolks Fest of 1998, which took place with the funding of LIC system - Law of Incentive to Culture - of Rio Grande do Sul state. At this festival, all the 07 groups were gethered in a free entrance event which resulted in a record. The segment has self reinforced and self motivated by itself during a period, and it has revealed new small artists. 

Nevertheless, the youth has became vulnerable to any type of unpleasant situation recently, result of the lack of public and private investment devoted to culture and at the same time devoted to citzenship.

Nevertheless, the youth has became vulnerable to any type of unpleasant situation recently, result of the lack of public and private investment devoted to culture and at the same time devoted to citzenship

We understand the necessity of oficial investment so that:

  • Youth could enjoy a qualified space dedicated to the musical free education; 
  • Youth could enjoy a sapce where they are going to be highly valued with regard to citzenship.

This way we are going to reinforce some parallel aspects as the drug comumption. This way we are going to reinforce the culture, specially because eventhough te cultural-musical tradition, the harvest of cultural values has not multiplied.

How did the initiative 

We decided to apply the project in the Public

  • due to the necessity to encourage the children since the early ages and maintain the interest during the adolescence, because with these little citzens we are going to be able to prepare a fertile ground to achieve a fruitful work in the future;
  • due to the possibility of also using the human resources in a young talents range: through the young artists who have already reached the civil majority and who have searched background by proper training. Again we are propeling the culture, illustrating to the project recipients - children and adolescentes - that there is a professional future at the cultural field consequently genereating conscious citzens;
  • above all, due to the project realization through the cultural group for 23 years since its legal constitution. Work which was grounded on people of several ages, who have worked for over 50 years with music. In addition to the fact that the proponent Cultural Group have been provinding for the Schneider family. Family which since 7 generations born in Brazil, particularly in the countriside of Rio Grande do Sul (173 years), grounded on the immigrant who reached the region in 1847 as a choir conductor. Therefor an unparalled path concerning to culture which is widely transmited from generation to generation;

  • due to these family values; we intend to transmit to the project recipients such values reinforcing the binomial culture and citzenship. As parents, we are responsible for our children future musical taste. We intend to colaborate to the community, we intend within these values transmit the same cultural taste to other's children, because we all need healthy and positive referencies;
  • due to the fact we please all the public notice demands, in addiction to the effective promotion of a cultural action for 23 years, we intend from now on to be a link between society and State, enabling the developmento of cultural actions sustained by the autonomy, proiminence and social empowering integrating a shared management of the institution selected by FUMDICA of Quinze de Novembro, RS, and selected by the RS Cultural Points Network;


  • due to the actions we already promote in our community correspond to social action in the areas of Popular Cultures, Ethincal-Cultural Groups, Cultural Management and Formation, Thought and Memory, Artistical Expressions and/or Cross-cutting Actions;

  • due to the gradual advance in the workshops shape intended, which is now based in a Musical Initiation layout. The goal is to consolidate the project aiming to offer specific worshops based on the instrument type in the future, so that it is possible the continuance and specialization in a activity rang:

1st Musical Initiation: GURI MÚSICO

2nd Several workshops (for example):

  • Among others

3rd Group Practice 

... due to we are a non-profit institution and we intend to continue the activities which are specifically orientated to children and adolescents foucusing in the preventive action through music. We are also focused in the social development as standard comlient citzens. 

Why are you performing the project?

Our association has as mission promote the musical education and group performance of music. We intend the develop the human being in formation.

We believe that culture is an inate expression of the social man. Thereby acting to develop the sociocultural enviroment is also to improve the capacity that the human being has to estabilish relations. The sociocultural development can not be seen as accessory or resundant. But as a pilar of education to build a peaceful and equitable society.

We consider that all the children an adelescent who has been attended the project already bring a cultural baggage with them. This baggage must be respected and enlarged aiming to foment the respect to the differences. Gethering these personalities and various cultures to build a musical group reflects the possibility of living in society.

Music is an activity that is favorable to the intelect development, the attention and the aesthetic sensitivity, in addition to increase the individual's cultural repertoire. But, generally, music an musical education confrontate several problems into the modern societies, charactherized by the speed, superficiality and amount of accessible information. In fact, accordingly to the reality in different countries and periods shows that traditional musical education is a tough and slow process decoupled to the contemporary reality. It is also modelled in the theoretical concepts and virtuosic technic. This model disregard popular music and the informal education aside from disregarding the student background, the daily contact with music or their own pretentions, but just the knowledge and the master demands.

Altogether to the support of the funding institution, COMDICA of Quinze de Novembro, RS, the Municipal Public Power of Quinze de Novembro, RS, the RS Cultural Points Network, we intend to consolidate our first activities pole. So that we shall use the resources to enlarge the cultural and social activities, besides the implementation of new projects. It is priority of our association to insert these social vulnerable children and adolescents where generally a few or none have access to the cultural equipments.

One may see that music is in the humanity origin and associated to other areas of the human knowledge, such as Mathematics and Science. Among the benefits of learning music that had already been proven by the scientifc society, is the fact which the children who develops theirselves in contact to music enlarge the cognitive potential in all knowledge areas.

The cultural activities were first offered occasionally, for lack of financial resources. Nevertheless, the association has performed several activities, but always specific activities without continuity.

This scenario is being changed, due to the funding taken to FUMDICA of Quinze de Novembro, RS, (Projeto 001 https://comdica-quinzedenovembro.webnode.com/rela%c3%a7%c3%a3o-de-projetos-aguardando-financiamento/  ). The project regards the musical initiation with Gaúchos, Brazilian and German rhythms, entitled Social Development and Musical Teaching Program GURI MÚSICO, which belongs to the RS Cultural Points Network. However, we have necessities which have not been contemplated in the funding Work Plan. We do not possess budgetary resources to reinforce de activities which are occuring, but it it important to the project the purchase of certain items (instruments, accessories, air-conditioning to qualify the enviroment).

The institution bylaws contemplates the realization of cultural projects through the federal, state and municipal incentive laws, fomentation segment, because as a private non-profit and non-economic ends association of social nature, it depends on external resources to initiate these projects. It is an institution with 23 year of cultural work, dated to 1997 and it lives with donation, subvention, associated contribution, endownment, subsidy, collection, promotion of cultural activities, exchange, etc.

Some cultural projects developed did not have continuity by lack of resouces, because they have always been offered with no charges, attending children and adolescents at social risck and deffending their rights, includding the cultural ones. In relation to the cost benefit the association is proposing in this porject the implementation and the continuity through a plan of activities which will have all the possibilities to continue just in case of receiving official funding, because is of our interest. 

As to the relation investment ans society it has been already enlightened. Before the methodological proposal the workshop and the existent demand from the community, it has enough elements to become a project with success and social and cultural acknowledgement.


What is te importance ...

What is the importance of this project to its community?

In opposition to big urban centers, in the far countriside of Rio Grande do Sul, in Southern Brazil, there are nearly no cultural formation programs, whether municipal, regional or in the State through different public segments in all its sepheres. Conversely, we noticed a strong demand for a project that involved, in addition to the cultural character, the social inclusion aspect and the educative aspect. Therefore aiming to change culture and art in sociocultural inclusion tool, we intend to locate the first pole to attend children and adolescents through the Cultural Group Som Legal. And in a fisrt momento together to the municipality we are located offering musicalization workshops, whether it is inicialization, musical instruments or singing to children and adolescents.

What is the project importance to community public?

The importance of the project reveals itself in the concrete facts of: empowering children and adolescents in their aesthetic, emotional, motor, cognitive and social; guaranteing experience to children and adolescents and youth in the acknowledgement of their own resources which can be added to the project in the future; providing the accsses to different cultures; valuing the local cultural expressions; estimulating criation and performance of cultural groups.


Understanding that the educational principles that will guide the project are based on a conception that includes the emotional, intelectual, aesthetic, ethical and social dimentions of knowledge, in a cultural and historic perspective.

Thus, reaffirming the changing potential of knowledge, with enphasis in language and music learning the project intends to the formation of individuals positively integrated to the society. Therefore when we recgonize the potential of knowledge aiming to enlarge the musical repertoire and the development of the personal resources of the children and teenagers that will integrate the project, it becomes important to mention some principles that will guide the project:

  • recognize children and adolescents as social subjects;
  • consider the equality as base of human relations;
  • recognize the musical repertoire of children and teenagers;
  • believe in the knowledge circulation;
  • promote learning situations, ensuring the access of all group to the developed contents;
  • articulate the differences inside the groups;
  • share new knowledge that enlarge the repertoire of Projec children and teenagers;
  • promote the construction of knowledge and the musical expression through social interaction;
  • believe in the formation of indentities as a process that invigorates from new social experiences;
  • estimulate the tolerance and the respect in the group practices;
  • recognize the teenagers and children as subjects of rights and not as passive subjects of public policies.


What are the results the project intend to reach in a long term? Why was it intended?

Expected results

The choice of music as the artistic language to conduct the program comes from the inspiration on other projects of small orchestras to children as the Venezuelan System of Youth Orchestras, founded by the maestro José Antônio Abreu, and the Guri Project, developed for many years, in more than 300 cities in São Paulo. More than formate musicians, the perspective of the project which we are creating and we are going to locate, is the musicalization and the social inclusion of children and adolescents.

One of the big challanges was undoubtely to to chose the teaching method. Because we shall come across a manner to teach and learn which propitiate a fast learning to estimulate the student to continue the course. In fact we intend some months after the creation and the effective implementation of our first pole, to be able to watch our students performing a repertoire that include song and harmonies created on Gaúcho, German and Brazialian rhythms (roots of the proponent cultural group and the community where it is located), só that they can be recognized by their families and by their community what is going to elevate their sociability and their self-esteem.

As manager and executor of the program we intend to count on the partenership of the public and private sectors, só that we are going to be able to act integrated, articulating the civil society and the scholar community to engage to the program. Further we intend to watch the story of the progject be confused with the story of the association, always innovating the teaching method, qualifying the action estrategy, updating the management, working transparently, this way we are going to be capable to contribute to the civil society. There is a long path to follow, but we need to take the first step the initiate the program, but we are sure that there will also be a lot of to be learned, shared and difused.

The association Cultural Group Som Legal is privately-owned, not-for-profit organisation qualified as Cultural Agent, and it has as essential goal to promote and contribute to the cultural development on the fields of music, theater, dance and other artistic manifestations in a general way as well as any other activity related to culture. The here presented Project will be the main Project of the association, so that we may promote free of charge the basic teaching of music in our municipality.

We are going to have the mission to promote, with excellence, the musica education and the group practice of musica, regarding to the human development of the generations in formation. We intend to: strnghten the formation of childre, teenagers and adolescents as subjects positively integrated into the societyand and also to difuse musical culture in its diversity.

The Project is going to have as assumption the conection to the sociocultural reality of the students, using tools and artical-pedagacical modern theories, intendig to promote sociocultural inclusion and in a near future, through new projects, we can even give sibsidies for the students to continue to study Music. We intend to offer the necessary structure to locate and maintain the fisrt pole of the project in our city, through the present project.

The work that is going to be developed is going to be destined to children and adolescents who belong to boards od social risk, acting to prevent problems such as drug addiction and crime. And also we are going to act to atten the demands articulated to COMDICA . In the activities tha are being developed together with these children and adolescents, aiming mainly to include them through music in the society. We are going to offer free of charge classes of music, within the adequate periodicity as suggested by the Management Comitee. To participate the project is needed to be between 07 and 17 years old, attending school classes and like music. Afeter 06 months of activities in the project we are convicted that the students are going to develop a smal repertoire in group with the basics learned in class. 


The Project attends children and adolescents giving greater importance to whom in social and economic risk.

The project also promotes free of charge the basic teaching of music in Quinza de Novembro. From the moment the student enters the project, the students receive attention that goes beyond the musical teaching. The association will have secific goals which will result and effect posetively at the area where it will be developed. These results and effects are related to the social follow-up of childre, teenagers as adolescents attended, observing all the conditions that affect their lives and the wellfare of each one - including education, social care, health, housing, culture, recreation, work and others - in order to charcterize these follow-up areas of education and social development of the association, through complementar actions to the musical activity, promoting the students integration into their society.

The students learn the association values, which are:

  • excellence
  • criativity
  • responsability
  • diversity
  • cooperation
  • equallity

This way, the project:

  • democratizes the musical art by enabling the new generations, which are inserted in the society productively, providing self-esteem and feeling the value in each participant.
  • Complements the school role, occupying the time of the children, adolescents and teenagers, reducing the socil risk which they are exposed in the regions they live.


The main activity of the Project is the group teaching of music. Consequentelly:

We are generating job and income opportunity through culture: We intend to use human material in the youth range: through young artists that already have completed 25 years old and that are searching for especiallization, by seeking incessantely for adequate formation. Again we are going to propel culture and also using as example to the recipients of the project - children and adolescents - the young people who is seeking for formation, to demonstrate that it is possible to have professional future in culture what generates consequentelly the citezenship awareness.

The Project:

· contributes to the local socioeconomical transformation, from the developmento of artistical potentialities, enhancing the education by art.

The association intends through the project and also related to the intitution qualification to become reference in the conception, implementation, and manegement of public and privete policiesof culture and education in the musical area.

As a form to aprimorate the management we also intend to create a regulation which estabilishes the rules, routines and criteria to acquire the goods and to contract specialized outsourced service to the association.

We intend to innovate in relation to the choice of partners since we believe that those shall have a participation spirit and respect to the youngs' life who are going to participate the project.

Each professional who are going to participate the project shall contribute to the development of that institutionand they also shall assume the commitment of growing professionally according to the oportunities that may be offered.

Therefore, the partners shall identify to the cause, be commited, passionated and believe that he is able to contribute to our proposal. 

Enviromental (what are the impacts and how to reduce the damage)

Whenever it is possible the classes and the weekly rehearsals will be executed saving energy.

The association will continue to follow the enviromental and social awareness of our partners and recipients. It is a group of actions that seek to arouse and/or strenghten the awareness and the citzenship of the actors of the project referring to important questions such as enviromental, cultural, social, ethnical, humanitarian and of quality of life. The aim is to reach a higher level of awareness, participation and citzenship among the different actor of the association, and also to generate real and positive impact to the group quality of life and to the world quality of life through actions which the actors are going to be recipients as well as agents of the transformation.

There are some axes of action which excel, such as: Ethics, Enviroment, Cultural Mutiplicity, Work/Consumption, Education and Health. The activities we proposed are going to contribute to the enviromental impact mitigation either the the activities of the menagement sector or the activities of learnig and teaching. 

Target public 

It contains the characterization of the children and adolescents that the project attends, with age, period of service and developed activities.

(We are going to fill with number in increasing order of importance, starting with 1, in the cases which apply. The number 1 is a priority, number 2 less prior than number 1, and so on.) 

( 1 ) Public students

( 3 ) Adolescents and young adults in social risk

( 2 ) Children in social risk

( 6 ) Population of low income, located in areas which offer public and cultural services precariously, either in big urban centers or small cities

( 7 ) Residents of regions with great importance to the maintainance of the historical cultural and enviromental heritage

( 8 ) Residents of rural areas

( 4 ) People with disabilities or special needs

( 5 ) Demands submitted by the Guardianship Concil, being part of the municipal network of service to children and adolescents.

Human resources

What is the profile of the people who is currently working in the project?

( X ) Master and Grios of oral tradition

Who develop a volunteer work of Musical Story Telling that portrait their family transmiting values from generation to generation since 1847 until today. They perform nursery rhymes with Gaúcha, Brazilian and German roots. Therefore due to their constant intervention in the project, a relation between generations are going to be motivated. BOND: VOLUNTEER

( X ) Teachers and workshoppers

We are going to use university students to demonstrate the further work perspectives to the recipients, motivating the Cultural Point students. At the same time, we are going to benefit of a correct didatic. BOND: SERVICES HIRING

( X ) General-coordination - Art educator

With participation of a professional strictly educated, with technical knowledge, or even educated by a familiar interaction, we are going to be able to transmit the correct values to the correct target public. This professional shall be responsible for the general coordination, elaborating documents, articulating actions with all the partners, performing hirings and acquisitins to the project realization, sending out reports, gethering and organizing the project heritage. BOND: SERVICES HIRING, or VOLUNTEER

( X ) Young apprentices and monitors

Creating opportunities of internship or the volunteer work from the different areas of education and life, we are going to enrich either the project and the subjects who are interested to offer their free time to the project.

( X ) Volunteer responsible for the image record (photo and video).

( X ) Volunteer responsible for the technical support and for the political-administrative support.


the manner as the activities of the program are being developd aiming to achieve the goals porposed by the action

In order to apply to project it is nedded to take:

  • Birth certificate or Identification (copy);
  • Proof of school enrollment (copy);
  • Proof of residence
  • Appear with parents or guardians. 


The applicants need to attend the local of the classes in the period of applications which is going to be disclosed by the association. In the beginning of the classes which will follow-up the academic year, all the students are going to participate a integration process, intending to be in contact with the offered courses and to know the musical instruments which the student intend to learn.

The coverage of the project is universal and irrestrict. Any student who is attending school regularly and is between 5 and 17 years old can participate. The approval of the enrolments is subject to the availiable vacancy. This way, we believe we are offering a unique experience to our students, no matter their social position, their race, color or religion. The association perform with children and adolescents from the countriside and from the urban areas.  

Instructors training

The association will invest in the qualification of the staff through training in areas of interest, such as: musical education, social and management development, among others. The objective is to offer to the collaborators continuous professional development, result of constant training and the contact with useful knowledge to the improvementof the social projects and of the musical teaching. The resources which are going to be invested in the professional training of the association, are not contemplated in this proposal.

Musical classes

The musical classes happend through workshops which are offered weekly. The stuent at the beginning of the colective learning process has the possibility of develop his hearing and visual perceptions quickly than the individual classes participant. That is because in the group classes children and adolescents at the same time they exercise the practice, they need to listen to one another so that the music can be executed altogether. This musical group practice exercises not just the hearing perception of the student, but his rhythm development, his motor coordination and his sense of mutual cooperation so that the final aim - make music - can be achieved.

Music is favorable to the intelectual development, to the attention, aesthetic sensitivity, and it also increases the cutural repertoire of the student. 

Literary and musical archieve

The association, due to its historical cultura function, provides a literary and musical archieve , which are going to be opened to the students, instructors and families. In addition to the enlargement of the cultural repertoire of the students, this initiative foucus in the complementation of the student formation, that is because the archieve will be available to the student gathering at the same space activities aside from the traditional.

Articulation of the local social network to provide services to the students and their families

The association, together with the project, is going to articulate with the different representatives of the civil society and public organs to the participation and funding to the local social network. There is already a relation with the public power representatives and the local social entities , due to the already developed works. The association has the important misson of promoting the social and cultural developmento of the local children and adolescents.

We have the intention through this project to compound a network to provide services to children and adolescents from the municipality, providing support to other demands of the Public Education Network, to the Municipal Department of Education and Sports, to the Municipal Department of Culture, to the Municipal Departmento of Health, to the Municipal Department of Social Assistance and Housing, to the Guardianship Council, to COMDICA, to the Judiciary Power, to the civil society, integrating actions of interest of non-profit private institutions which work in the areas of health, education, social assistance, physically disabled, housing, rural workers, among others. All these sectors - public and private - are going to be incited to send their demands, to motivate children and adolescents to participate, in addition to be part of the management Committeewhich will monitor and evaluate the actions which are going to be performed by the tenderer together with the Cultural Point.

president of the non-profit-making cultural institution, Mrs. Magali Mazutti 

Results which may occur from the results of this action 

a) Principal: From the activities of the project are implied the objectives of Consolidating a Young Orchestra in the end of the Project, what may elaborate projects which seek its maintainance, by its own annual plan of activities. Perhaps it takes 01 year, 03 years, 06 years or 10 years. But it is still a goal to be achieved

b) Other projects that may be developed by the association from the results of this action:

  • Circle of spectacle classes - the Spectacle Classes may be a circle of interactive performances of musical groups recognized by the critics due to their innovative proposals which seek to democratize the the access to the cultural goods to the Project students and to the communities of the municipalitywhere the performances take place. These performances may be offered to the community free of charge
  • Scholarship to ex-students of the Projec - this sequential programmay offer scholarships of 12 months in formal institutions of musical education in Brazil or abroad, or even non-formal educational institutions - with participations in festivals and particular classes. Students who have participated for the minimum of 18 months of the project may be able to enroll
  • Cultural exchanges - aiming to estimulate the exchange of knowledge and experiences, the project may promote yearly an event of Cutural Exchange with projects of other cities, regions, states or countries, gethering students from other cultural projects. At these events, the participants would perform to students of other projects a varied repertoire, as sample of the developed studies. The arrangements of the songs would be developed by the professional who work in each one of the projects which are participating the exchange, and the regency would be responsability of the instructors who act together with the students. This Cultural Exchange of projects will provide the exchange of experiencies between the students, enlarging the universe of refence of those who are envolved with and will also promote the iteraction among them. This conference not only allows the students to discover the diversity of their realities, but also reinforce the main chacteristic of the project, which is the sociocultural inclusion through the music
  • Performances with other artists
  • Shows - exposition of images - with the record of the work accomplished in the project - text and images: it may bring stories of the students of the different cummunities, showing a cultural profile of the several places where the students are native, for example, with their dishes, customs, expressions and games
  • Production of DVD of the musical concert celebrating the existence of the project, where the students who stand out may perform together with consecrated musicians

The stamp of the oficial public organs of cultural funding, the partenership with public organs and third sector entities may provide the enlargement of the project effect during the years. This way, it will be part of these children, adolescents,their families and the community life.

Other information of the project 

The project will cover different languages, sectors, areas or cultural segments

There is a pedagogical policy to follow with the project: we are going to follow guidelines estabilished by the mission, vision, values and objectives of the association, to develop the actions of the project concearning to the musical an cultural areas. Everythin is closely related to the sociocultural commitment that the Project will have during two years.

It is political beacaus it build a citzen to the society. And it is also pedagogical due to the spaces the association provides, spaces which are educative, democratic, creatives, inclusive, plural, participative, agents of the sustainable development, capable to guarantee the equality of opportunities to al children and adolescents, awaring them of their role as citzens.

The project considers music as a discourse, what goes beyond of considering it as a language. The music becomes a musical talk, where ideas are articulated about the individual and about others in sound structures, promoting and enlarging the comprehension about people and context.

The project will consider the musical discourse of the students and their differences, integrating various musical experiences and allowing decision making which fund the autonomy of each one, even in large or small groups. The association understands that each student brings the own domain of musical comprehension when arrives to the project. The student is not introduced to music becaus he is alread familiar to it, however most of the times he has not formally studied it. Considering the musica disourse of the student is teaching music without aprt it from the reality and of the students' context, avoiding the creation of a "subculture of music" which repertoire do not balance the knowledge and the experiences of the student together with the musical proposals of the Project. Only this way a true sociocultural inclusion takes place, enlarging their musical references.

Seeking the musical fluency in the beginning of the classes, unterstanding that reading and writing are a mean to the end, supporting activities which are really musical: the musical execution (playing an instrument alone or in group); the composition (undertood as any form of musical creation, written or improvised) and the musical appreciation ( a critic and active listening of another person executing music, live of recorded, as well as the classmates and the teacher). Besides, developing the three activities altogether and constantly permits the students to find an atractive, interesting ans constant way to live the music, respecting their own style of learning and also covering the individual expectations. These three activities together with the musical technique and also the reading about music are the teach model of the association.

The project will ease the creators access to the conditions and means to create and produce music 

The students' will and talent together with the edge of the creators (managers of the tenderer association), enhances the necessity of doing more for the community.

The amount of recipient students depends on the combination between the approval of the proposals and the availiable resources. The more resources, more diversity of students and of services the instituition will be able to affer to the community.

The more the support to the project, more talents may have a future in music.

Why did you choose the local covering: Quinze de Novembro, RS

However our previously mentioned external support, there is the necessity of preparing our ground, our village, so that it recovers the cultural richness which is asleep. At the same time, it is necessary to show to the youth that receiving citzenship values through the union generated by music, is necessary for life, because it let away the drug addiction and the crime and enables quality to those in social risk.

There is no way to move foreward letting those we love aside. In this perspective, so that we can do something for the society, it is necessary to first help those are near us, those who are biside us, because this is the first touch of our hands.

Afterwards, the progress is the consequence, but first "One step at a time."

Historical references:

Quinze de Novembro, RS, is located in Northern of Rio Grande do Sul. It is a municipality with slightly more 3.500 inhabitants, mostly German originated (from the region of hunsrück). According to the IBGE poll, this city was considered the Brazil most evangelical/protestant/lutheran municipality (Evangelical Church of Lutheran Confession in Brazil). The German traditions are cultivated with balls and parties, always with typical groups, choirs, and folk dance groups. The municipality had already 07 active music groups (CD of the event Volks Fest previously supported by LIC-RS OF 1998), all of them composed by family members. A large number of the musicians of the city perform in music groups in and out the State. Currently, the Public Power maintains the Municipal Band.

Historical aspects. The origins of Quinze de Novembro go back the end of the 19th Century and the beginning of the 20th Century, period between 1896 and 1914. The properly named colonization started in 1886 in Santa Clara District, with families arrived from Montenegro. The Quinze de Novembro nucleous started being colonized in 1914, when the German topographer Albert Schmidt promoted the allotment and the selling of the lands to the settlers who came from Cruz Alta, municipal headquarter of the só called Colônia Velha region in Rio Grande do Sul. Nearly all the settlers were German migrants. The city was probably named after the dateof inauguration of the local evangelical of lutheran confession community, on November 15th of 1915. Quinze de Novembro nowadays: Quinze de Novembro had his polotical emancipation political and administrative on December 8th of 1987, through the State Law 8.454/87. On 2022 the City celebrated 35 years old of emancipation, and, even young, it takes bright steps in direction to future. Quinze de Novembro is known as "The Capital of Regional Tourism", or "Water Land", and also has great visibility at the Alto Jacuí region. Quinze de Novembro is a beautiful city, enchanting its visitors because of its order, cleanness, happy people and hospitality. The importance of this porject is in the rescue of the German culture inserted in the State of Rio Grande do Sul, and in the musical tradition present in Quinze de Novembro. The project preserves important elements of the local, regional and state cultural constitution, recording documents, typical songs and the history of the cutural representative family of the region. 

Familiar practices

as a diferencial

These familiar practices may be considered as a differential, because effectively is very difficult to take such a long time of maintainance of a type of cultural practice. And it is undoubtly responsible to maintain of a basilar principle: the family.

Valuing this historical activity - which mixes present, past and future - as reference, will stimulate the maintainance of this management model familiar and cultural group - in this case it confuses and completes itself, because family is music and music is family.

Valuing this the proposal, issuing a favorable report and selecting to the execution, will be a grate stimulus to the formation of the family as a cultural agent which is going to have

  • an opportunity to transmit the values to a new group of children and adolescents;
  • specializing in the formation of Musicalization Workshops and Social Development;
  • creating an young orchestra, in honor of Brazil and Germany, with an updated language ilustrated with atractive design, captivating the reader.

The final Product - Youth Orchestra - dreamt and viewed as aim to achieve, it will have an effective potential to become a effective contribution for the development of the different sectors of the Brazilian creative economy, enphasizing Rio Grande do Sul, because it is going to:

  • value the various parameters of the ethnical and cultural formation of Rio Grande do Sul, which has different origins;
  • motivate the different groups which compose the formation of our state to perform similar projects;
  • motivate the families through the example, to value themselves as a base of cultural and multifocal formation.

And, finally, it may be the opposite approach, since it may bring back to the family their origins, which has been confused with the several cultures inserted inside the Rio Grande do Sul reality. And at the same time it can it may be the tool through which a Youth Orchestra which brings sócial development to the people who are envolved and to the community. It may also cause cultural exchange, with different purposes, as well as the curiosity about the people who first arrived at the region and about those who carry the cultural heritage. It enlarges the relation network guided by the future, what is extremely fruitful to the State culture and also the national culture.

The importance of the project rests in the rescue on the german/universal culture inside the Rio Grande do Sul, and in Brazil, and also in the rescue of the musical tradition which is present and active in Quinze de Novembro. This project preserves important elements to the constitution the local, regional and state culture, documenting the events, typical songs and a community culture that represents the cultural features which exist in the region.

© 2019 Guri Músico, Quinze de Novembro, RS, todos os direitos reservados
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